September 11, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

(Disclaimer: I am fully aware what day it is but I never post political stuff because I don't want to argue with people.  Ergo no political stuff here or anywhere for that matter.)

Today is my anniversary!  What anniversary you say?  Exactly one year ago today to celebrate "New Girl" (which would premiere in 9 days) I got bangs.

Here's a picture of me today:

Here's an awful picture of me a year ago (freshly fringed):

Can you spot the differences?  Eyebrow piercing!  Dark ends!  Shorter hair!

If you don't know why I got bangs then you don't really know me at all, do you?  I think this marks the longest I've had bangs since I was a child.  Every time I had bangs before it was only for a couple of months.  Anyway, I enjoy the bangs and I think I'll keep them around for a while longer.  ;)

Happy Anniversary to my bangs.


  1. Happy Anniversary ^^ Bangs suit you well ^^d
    MMxoxo (a fellow 'fringer' XD)

    1. You know you're the 2nd person to say that this week. There must be something there. ;)
