August 23, 2013

Tales from The LG 12th Floor Garden...

Well, today is a good day!  Not only did we get to leave early from work but when I came home I discovered:

Both my lettuces have sprouted!  If I remember correctly, I believe the top one is butter lettuce.  I'm so excited!  Grow into giant plants so I can eat you!  Mmm...butter lettuce.

In other gardening news I started regrowing romaine again.  This time away from the (heat of the) window as last time they molded.

Quite light these ones.

I planted beets.  Delicious beets.

I uprooted the radishes which had been in bad shape for some time but I had refused to believe it.  I'll try again in when it cools down.

Finally, I welcomed some new plants into my garden:

(We just had a healthy downpour here.)  The circumstances by which I acquired these plants are not happy ones (that information doesn't belong on this blog) but I couldn't just let them die.  The top ones are green pepper which I am not the biggest fan of raw but I thought I could make some killer spaghetti sauce if they do grow peppers.  The eggplant isn't in the best shape.  I'm not sure if it will live.  Later, I'm going to read up on caring for sad eggplant.  We'll see what happens.

That's all the news from the 12th floor.  Happy gardening!

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